Richie played by Justin Timberlake goes to Costa Rica to confront Ivan Block played by Ben Affleck, who runs the biggest empire of online gambling websites in the world, including the one Richie lost his money on. Apologetic and sympathetic towards Richie's plight, Ivan compensates Richie with a job where he'll be paid millions per year for him to assist with the site work.
The dark side to Ivan's business is suddenly revealed when FBI agent Shavers played by Anthony Mackie kidnaps Richie and threatens to ruin his life in various ways if he does not cooperate in convicting Ivan Block.
But the movie was bland! I mean we all know that most movies like this have always portrayed that an easy route to success especially when its ill gotten leads to betrayals and mostly running from the cops. So there aint much to be said about the movie "Runner Runner" except maybe the exposure of high level corruption in the South American country of Venezuela. Another fault to this film was the failure to simply enlighten some of us ignorant to black jacks and other stuff in the field of casino, or gambling in generalize, so we were just left to watch the film without making sense out of it.