This Thriller Drama stars Jude Law as Dr. Jonathan Bank, a psychiatrist who is assigned to troubled Emily (Rooney Mara; Girl with the Dragon tattoo) after she drives her car into a concrete wall in a suicide attempt but agrees to her release from the hospital as long as she attends sessions with him on a regular basis.
Emily tries a series of anti-depressant medications, but none of them works. Jonathan contacts Emily's previous psychiatrist, Victoria (Catherine Zeta Jones, wife of film legend Michael Douglas), who suggests that Jonathan puts Emily on a new drug called Ablixa. Jonathan is reluctant to put Emily on the experimental drug until she attempts suicide a second time by trying to jump onto a subway track. The medication works, enabling Emily to function normally besides occasional sleepwalking episodes, a side effect of the drug which led to the demise of Martin(Channing Tatum), Emily's husband who was released after serving a four-year prison sentence for insider trading. who she stabs to death while sleepwalking, and the twist begins from here which involved all actors in a crazy web of controversies.
Side Effects is a 2013 American psychological thriller film directed by Steven Soderbergh. The film stars Jude Law, Rooney Mara,Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Channing Tatum. The film concerns the ramifications of an event following a young woman being prescribed antidepressant drugs, in particular the fictional new drug Ablixa (alipazone).
If you like to be entertained and indulged on a critical and intellectual level, then Side Effects should be added to your must watch To do list. So start saving your money for cinema tickets because I promise you its worth the watch.
If you like to be entertained and indulged on a critical and intellectual level, then Side Effects should be added to your must watch To do list. So start saving your money for cinema tickets because I promise you its worth the watch.
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